Life-Giving Alkaline Water: Think Before You Drink!

             LIFE-GIVING ALKALINE WATER:  Think Before You Drink!


Do you remember that movie “Water World?”  Well, that title may best describe today’s dizzying array of options when it comes to choosing the kind of water and water filtration system that is best for you and your family.

At Tyent USA, we are a world leader in water ionization and dedicated to providing you with the finest water purification systems available on the market today.  Our award winning ionizers deliver superior performance and produce water so pure that some have dared to compare it to the Fountain of Youth.

It is a universally known fact that every living creature needs water in order to survive.  What isn’t as well known are the truly remarkable health benefits derived from drinking Alkaline Water; and no company delivers healthier, alkaline water at the touch of a button than Tyent.   That’s our promise.

Life-Giving Water: Think Before You Drink!

Think Water is Just Water?  Consider this:

*As far back as 2005, an article that appeared in the Associated Press (AP) reported that a survey of 42 states was conducted by the Environmental Working Group.  Their findings revealed there were 141 unregulated chemicals in drinking (tap) water with another 119 that the EPA has set health-based limits on.  That’s over 250 chemicals that shouldn’t be there.  The most common found among them being, nitrates, barium, copper, chloroform, and arsenic.  Additionally, 19 of those chemicals discovered exceeded the EPA’s unenforced safety guidelines for tap water systems.  Those are some frightening statistics and things have only gotten worse since then! 



Get Out of the Water! (What shouldn’t be in it)

Tyent ionized water systemstransform ordinary tap water into a pure, healthy, rejuvenating drink that is completely free of any and all harmful chemicals.  Moreover, that’s just the beginning.  Tyent systems go far beyond just removing harsh chemicals and impurities; they actually produce a drinking water with scientifically proven health benefits that are truly astounding.  Knowledge is power and the more you know the more empowered you become. 


In Goes the Bad Water…Out Comes the Great!

From the moment you hook your Tyent water ionizer onto your tap, good health begins.  Below are listed but a few of the many benefits created by alkaline water.

  • A powerful antioxidant that inhibits free radicals from forming
  • Smaller water molecules mean better hydration
  • Prevents the accumulation of toxins and toxic build-up
  • Pure, fresh and delicious water that is totally free of unwanted poisonous chemicals
  • Better for the environment by eliminating plastic bottles that end up in a landfill


With an ever-increasing health conscious society and the proven benefits of owning a water purification system, the question isn’t if you should buy, but rather…which one?

Life-Giving Water: Think Before You Drink!

With a Tyent Water Filtration System you can rest assured you are buying the very best models available in this country or any other with competitive prices to fit virtually any budget.

Our commitment and passion is providing you, your friends, family, and the world with the gift of pure, life-giving water.


Please take a moment to read what others are saying about this incredible water.


Leading authority and author Dr. Theodore A. Baroodystates,It is definitely a health benefit to anyone who would use it.  I predict the use of electronically restructured Alkaline Antioxidant Water will change healthcare on a worldwide basis…”

Ms. Franci Crownnoble stated, “It keeps my blood pressure down and I no longer have arthritis in my knees!”


There has never been a better reason to invest in your good health with alkaline ionized water and with the many discounts and incentives we offer you at Tyent USA, never a better time! 


Please follow our link to learn more!


One thought on “Life-Giving Alkaline Water: Think Before You Drink!

  1. […] Tyent ionized water systems transform ordinary tap water into a pure, healthy, rejuvenating drink that is completely free of any and all harmful chemicals. Moreover, that’s just the beginning. Tyent systems go far beyond just removing harsh chemicals and impurities; they actually produce a drinking water with scientifically proven health benefits that are truly astounding. Knowledge is power and the more you know the more empowered you become… Read more about Life-Giving Alkaline Water: Think Before You Drink! […]

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