Is Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer Worth It? (Updated)

Posted by: On November 25, 2014 6:10 pm

It seems the more questions answered about ionized alkaline water, the more questions asked. To begin with, several people wanted to know about the cost of drinking alkaline water, and if it was really worth it.  The answer to the latter part of that question is yes, it is absolutely worth it. Not only is water from a water ionizer far superior to tap and bottled drinking water on every level (including price at about 6¢ a glass!), but because of the incredible amount of pollution and litter bottled water generates. 

The cost of drinking bottled water might be steeper than you realize.
The cost of drinking bottled water might be steeper than you realize.

The Eco-friendly Water Ionizer Solution

Let’s look at the cost in residue from drinking

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