5 Unique Ways to Improve Brain Performance (Unique Ways To Improve Your Life Series – Part I)

Posted by: On December 3, 2018 3:00 pm

How can we boost brain power? Believe it or not, human brain health can be improved with just a few tweaks in our lifestyle.

RELATED: 101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers: Health Benefits And More

In this article:

  1. How to Improve Brain Function
  2. Work Smarter, Not Harder
  3. Feed Your Brain
  4. Reduce Stress
  5. Exercise Your Brain
  6. Hydrate Your Brain!

Increase Brain Power and Get Better Cognitive Skills

How to Improve Brain Function

How to Improve Brain Function | Unique Ways to Improve Brain Performance (Unique Ways To Improve Your Life Series - Part I) | Brain Power

It’s entrenched in our learning from a young age – work hard. If you want to succeed, put the hours in. Slog away.

But we need to rethink that a little.

Your brain isn’t a machine. It’s a brilliant, complex, organic organ. Rather than flog it like a

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Smart Gum for Energy and Alertness? Try Alkaline Water Instead

Posted by: On March 18, 2016 9:00 am

What if you could become a smarter, more energetic, and alert person just by chewing a piece of gum? It sounds like the plot of a science fiction film, but that is exactly what the inventors of smart gum are trying to sell to consumers.

Taking chewing gums

Research to support the effectiveness of smart gum is unsubstantial and relies on the opinions of only a few case studies. However, all of the claims that smart gum makes also apply to alkaline water.

What sounds more natural and realistic: a super piece of chewing gum or improved hydration to increase brain function? Tyent alkaline water ionizers are the answer.

What is a “Smart Gum”?

Smart gum is a new product out on …

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